Physical Therapist 

Nathan Trout MPT, CES, Cert. DN, HMS



Nathan Trout MPT, CES, Cert. DN, HMS

Licensed Physical Therapist with 28 years of experience

Nathan Trout MPT, CES, Cert. DN
Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from California State University, Fresno  May 1996
Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Therapy from California State University, Fresno  December 1994.

Nathan Trout Clinical Setting Professional Work Experience

  • Owner In Balance Physical Therapy 18 years
  • Outpatient Orthopedics (In Balance PT, Mercy Medical Center, Peak Physical Therapy, and Socorro General Hospital) 28 years
  • Home Health Care (Centura, Alpine, Mercy, and Socorro) 8 years
  • Inpatient Acute Care/Would Care (Socorro) 8 years
  • Hospice (Centura, Alpine, Mercy, and Socorro) 8 years
  • Nursing Home (Socorro) 2 years
  • Medically Fragile Wavier Program 4 years
  • Developmentally Delayed Wavier Program 4 years
  • Developmental Specialist III 4 years

Continuing Education Courses

2022: Sacroiliac Joint Certification

2018: E2: Extremity Integration Course through University of St. Augustine

2017: Spinal Manipulation Therapy 1
2017: Dry Needling 2
2017: Dry Needling 1
2016: Treatment of the Hand, Wrist, and Elbow
2016: Treatment of the Sacroiliac Joint
2012  Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) Certification through National Academy of Sports Medicine
2011: S3:  Cervical, Upper Thoracic and Craniofacial Course through University of St. Augustine
2011: E1:  The Upper Extremity Course through University of St. Augustine
2009: The Running Course
2009: The Interactive Shoulder Algorithm
2008: Physical Therapy:  Relational Movement
2007: The Hiring & Team Building Course
2007: The Billing & Collection Course
2006: Functional Analysis & Management of lumbo-pelvis-hip complex
2006: Myofascial Manipulation
2006: Advanced Evaluation of Pelvic, Lumbar and Thoracic Spine
2005: The New Patient Course
2005: How to Start a Successful PT Practice
2004: S1:  Introduction to Spinal Evaluation and Mobilization through University of St. Augustine
2003: Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention of Injury of the Spine and in Sports: A Three Dimensional Approach
2002: Vestibular Rehabilitation
2002: Evaluation & Treatment of the Shoulder Girdle
2002: Total Knee Replacement, Total Hip Replacement, Parkinson’s Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Stroke: Managing Cerebrovascular Disease, Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Shoulder Impingement.  Individual courses taken through GSC Home Study Courses
2000: SomatoEmotional Release:  Level I Workshop through the Upledger Institute
2000: Native Healing Workshop
1999: Effective Treatment Techniques and Protocols for Orthopedic Diagnoses
1998: Craniosacral Therapy:  Level II Workshop through the Upledger Institute
1998: Encounters with Qi:  An Overview of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
1998: Intervention Strategies and Treatment Techniques for Children with Developmental Disabilities
1998: Myofascial Release Technique through Dialogues in Contemporary Rehabilitation
1997: Balance Dysfunction:  Implications for Geriatric and Neurological Rehab
1997: Elderly Patients:  Assessing and Improving Gait
1997: Craniosacral Therapy:  Level I Workshop through the Upledger Institute

    New Patient

    You will need to fill out the our New Patient Registration Form, print it out, and bring completed paperwork to your first appointment. Your Physical Therapist needs the completed paperwork for the initial evaluation.

    Returning Patient

    Returning patient paperwork is for patients whom we have seen within the last 2 years and are returning to us for care. You will need to fill out and bring completed paperwork to your appointment. 

    Call/Text: 970-403-5939


    fax 877-839-2679

    1191 Main Ave., Suite 130

    Durango CO, 81301

     For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital